jeannie's hands at work

Knitting, crocheting, other handwork, and personal.

Monday, August 14, 2006


I got word this Saturday that my mother had fallen and broken her leg in three places. My sister says no one at the nursing home knows quite how she did it. She tripped on her wheelchair or caught her foot somehow and went down.

She was bleeding a lot from the gash the bone made in one place when the aide found her.
The surgery went well Saturday and she was doing ok, considering her age and condition. She was in a lot of pain, but there isn't alot that can be done for that because of all the other medications she has to take.

Yesterday she started going downhill. She is pulling her oxygen off when she can and seems to be ready to give up.

The doctors want to have family meeting to withdraw the O2 and ler her go. If I can swing it, I'm going to be there tomorrow or Wednesday.

I'm sad for all the time I missed. All the potential and relationship not achievable. All my brothers and sisters and I will never know about her and she about us.

How can I miss someone I don't really know? How can I miss her already? How can I be so sad?

I'm so sad.


Blogger Skye said...

oh wow, now I see what is really going on. I should have read more before answering earlier. Oh damn. Jeannie, I'm soooo sorry. I will send her Light.

8:56 PM  

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