jeannie's hands at work

Knitting, crocheting, other handwork, and personal.

Friday, May 27, 2005

So Busy!

I feel like I haven't done much all month. It's been so busy at work and home is just as busy.I'll be knitting over the holiday weekend. I'll post progress in the next week or so.

I have quite a bit on the needles and will be finishing up some socks - I hope.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sweater Weather

It's Still cold today. I could wear my sweater again.

In looking at the picture of the back of my sweater, I forgot I had stuck a crochet hook in my hair to get it up out of the way to show the back of my sweater. I got out of work yesterday and did some errands and got funny looks! LOL!!!!!!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Shawl update 5/20/05

Cozy Shawl from pattern emerging! Posted by Hello

I ripped this again. I found I had fewer sts than the pattern called for.I started again but I'll have to see what the email response is from Knitty. I asked ??'s about why my count is off.

problem in wrapped rows - any suggestions? Posted by Hello

2socks 2circs no flash truer colors Posted by Hello

2scks2circs flash pic Posted by Hello

DS socks Posted by Hello

CU bottom Posted by Hello

cu top Posted by Hello

1st kool aid dyed skein Posted by Hello

Finished sweater!!!!!!! Yipeee!!

Front Posted by Hello

FINISHED sweater back Posted by Hello

Oh, I have Pictures!!!!!!

Here is my finished sweater!!!! Front and back view. I haven't washed it yet. I've had to wear it since it's SO COLD here. Wind blowing like crazy and snow 120 miles north.

The other pics are my first attempt at Kool-Aid dyeing yarn (mohair, it turns out) and the beginning of the Cozy shawl from, and socks for my DS.

DD said the house smelled like fruit while I was dyeing the yarn this weekend. She's all primed to dye her own yarn now for socks and wrist warmers. Yay!!!!!