jeannie's hands at work

Knitting, crocheting, other handwork, and personal.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I've been tagged! 5 Things You Miss About Childhood

Ok so I got tagged by Jenny for this MEME thing. I'll post this and see if I got it right. ANY FEEDBACK AND ADVICE IS WELCOME!

This is from "A woman Obsessed" 's blog: ( and I already added my name to the bottom.)
" Youth is Wasted on the Young!

I’ve been tagged for my first ever MEME! Yay! Meg tagged me for the “5 Things You Miss About Childhood” Meme, and I’m tagging Jeannie because she’s the only blogger I know in real life (other than Meg and the folks she already tagged!) and I'm curious to know what she has to say! We're both from Northern New Mexico, which is a wacky, fabulous place.

So here’s how this works: If you want to participate the chain-letter part works like this: remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump every one up one place; add your blog’s name in the #5 spot; just check to make sure the links are still attached if you copy n' paste.

1. Ellen's Nest
2. The Farmette Report
3. Nepenthe's Misadventures
4. A Woman Obsessed
5. Jeannie's Hands at Work "

Here goes.

#1. I miss our house on Goad Avenue in Socorro, NM. We lived there from about 1958 to 1964. It was on a hill across from Campus Station (rd?, ave?) behind New Mexico Tech. There was a big deep arroyo between the tech houses and our house where my twin brother and I used to play. We had paths worn along the arroyo and forts where we kept our "treasures" - rocks and sticks and mummified lizards and other childhood prizes. I remember the almost skunky smell of creosote bushes in the heat of summer and the shade under their roots and the mesquite where we dug out the hillsides to make hidey holes and "stage coach stops."It would be cooler in under the roots and if you stuck your face out a little the heat would hit you in waves that felt like a dry teakettle boiling on the stove. We could sit in those stops for hours playing cowboys and indians, army, wilderness explorers. We had about a mile maybe of arroyo bed to run up and down in and still be within earshot of my house. I'm sure my mother could see us most of the time from our back patio or kitchen window. My brother and I were "desert rats" out all day long, only coming in for drinks, food, and afternoon tv: K Circle B with Dick Bills in Albuquerque (on KOB-TV 4 even back then )[- yes- there's a song, too!], and later Uncle Howdy & Thermo on Channel 7 (now known as Howard Morgan retired weathercaster and artist), and Uncle Billy on Channel 13.

#2. I miss the years my dad bought a horse and we had to get up at 5:30, 6:00 o'clock every morning in the summer to ride him. We kept him at a friend's house. The Goads lived over the hill to the south and east of us and had 2 horses and our horse Frosty stayed with them. My favorite smells of the early sunrise are hay and oats with molasses mixed with the tang of horse sweat, manure and corral dust. I smell that now and I'm back 45 years or more ago sitting on a bale of hay in the tack room- feed stall, patting Frosty's nose while he tries to knock me over to get to the food. :)

I miss my best friend growing up - Cece Goad - her dad had the corral. She had long black hair and was strong, tall and full of energy back then. She lives in Las Lunas and I've seen her husband over the years but not her in about 15 years.

#3. I miss our times in Cloudcroft. It was so different there. It wasn't hot like Socorro or big like Las Vegas, NM ( where I lived after '64). It was a sleepy little summer cabin village with not much to do but be with your family and visit and get to know your neighbors because THAT was what there was to do. My family would read books aloud after breakfast until it was time to walk downtown to the post office. In the early days you could take the back railroad beds that wound through the cabins like roads and never get on to the street till you got to the main road going through the center of town. After the mail, a stop at the grocery store for anything needed for lunch then home. After lunch, naps ( altitude gets you for a about a week!), crafts more reading, games and maybe going out to find and pick mushrooms, raspberries, elderberries, and sometimes chokecherries. We'd go to White Sands for picnics and the drive-in in Alamogordo for movies. The Lodge in Cloudcroft was right up the street and we'd walk up there for a fancy dinner at least once during the summer. My parents' friends were all so kind to my brother and me. We were often without kids our own age and expected to be in company of grown-ups A LOT. I think we learned so much from those times. I know kids today are not expected to interact with grown-ups the same way. I wonder if that's not too bad in the bigger picture?

I miss taking baths in the clawfoot tub in that cabin when you had to heat the water in the Ben Franklin stove for three hours before filling the tub. You really had to budget the water in order to have warm water to rinse your hair. It took at least a couple of hours of chopping and splitting wood to go in the stove to heat enough water. And it had to be kept going. If the fire went out in the afternoon the tank would cool oof, or if you washed the dishes first then you had to wait longer for the water to get hot again. (It really was fun ,then. Really... Honest.)

My friend, Vaughn Ward lived down the road in the cabin my family rented before we bought our own. Her family would try to get up in the summer from El Paso at the same time my family came from Socorro or later 'Vegas so that we girls wouldn't be completely bored. She had 2 brothers and I had one. We were joined at the hip for a lot of summers.I lost track of her after high school. She did stop by to see my folks one time in Cloudcroft. That must have been 20 years ago.

My mother died in her bed in our cabin the same week that Princess Diana died. I can never remember the date but I remember that.

#4. I miss getting our Christmas tree from the woods. My family did that more years than I can remember. I have pictures of us when we were little, crying because the tree got to ride on the sled on the way back to the car instead of us. Then later in Las Vegas, we used to tramp through the woods for miles before we found the right tree. It would be a day long project - breakfast and the long drive to the woods, hiking through the snow, up and down, on and on. Lunch usually a picnic near the tree to be cut down and the trek back.

Same book shelf -top  Posted by Hello

My pattern, book and reference shelf - bottom 2 shelves. Posted by Hello

My Usual Saturday & Sunday Morning -5:00 am or later

Here are three of us knitting in bed. The kitties like this better. Lately, they compete to see who gets the top position in my lap. This time Bear lost and Furball won. I'm knitting a dishcloth. Only Speedy is missing from the group. He's chasing a bug or something. Posted by Hello

Close up but a little blurry. Sorry. Great buttons, huh? Posted by Hello

Finished Object #2! Haiku Baby Sweater from Posted by Hello

This is the Haiku Baby sweater from It went together so fast! Just two full weeks start to finish only working on it at night and at 2 knitting groups. I spent one whole afternoon looking for buttons. DD wanted rocket ships for the Boy Baby in the family, but DS helped me find these buttons. The first ones tried at Hancock's Fabrics and the best of the whole lot. Everyone who has seen the sweater likes the way the colors pooled and so do I. So much so, that ,well, the cone on the left is brand New yarn to make a Sonnet sweater - the grown-up version of Haiku. So much for stash reduction..... ;)

Close up of Finished blanket Posted by Hello

Furball comes in for last minute inspection. She'd like to sit with us, but there's just too much Bear and blanket and no longer enough lap. Posted by Hello

Bear helping finish Jacy's blanket. :) Posted by Hello

see caption below Posted by Hello

SHHHHHHH, She's sleeping under her finished blanket. Lionbrand Homespun started at least 4 or 5 years ago when the kids still had twin beds. I had 12 skeins of yarn when I started this. I pronounced it done at 11 skeins. Bear, the black cat on my lap and my daughter agreed. Other than these pics I took of this FO, I haven't seen it. My daughter takes it everywhere!  Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005

Inside view: this is working up so fast! I'm very pleased with this so far. The cast on was a little dodgey (slippery needles - glad I'd done socks first) But I'm pretty sure the gaps will shrink up. I'm not knitting it very loose but I think it will turn out just fine.  Posted by Hello

Side View of French Market Bag. Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I Love Wool, But Couldn't Get the Sheep

A fan listing  Posted by Hello

Serita's In El Paso - Great Yarn Store!!!Purchase for French Market Bag Posted by Hello

CU Lace Weight Japanese Silk & Wool Posted by Hello

Blue Japanese Silk & Wool from the Fiber Arts Fiesta in Albuquerque Memorial Day Weekend. Posted by Hello

CU of Yarn Posted by Hello

Yard Sale "Find" 8 lb. cone of mystery bulky yarn Posted by Hello

A New Day, Another Post

Today I'll be trying to get this updated and load some new pictures.
Ok, I'm working on the sidebar button thing too.

I can't figure out why some things go on my sidebar smoothly and easily and other things just give me problems. (I know it's ME)I'm lucky I figured out the sidebar at all.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Time for a stand. The One Campaign.

This is something I feel strongly about. I don't often voice what I believe in, but this campaign is one that I will support. Check it out for yourselves and make your own decisions. 'Nuff said.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Trying to set up buttons on my sidebar

Ok - so here I go. 'See if I can get this right. Nope, no buttons, no codes, no telling where the many tries ot get the stuff into picasa and hello went.!

So an hour later I can't get anything on from hello or picasa. I've just confused myself so badly that there might not be eonugh nicotine nad hops in the western hemisphere to get me back on track.

Well, I'll settle for the nicotine - outside for 10 minutes and then give it another go.

I see my spelling has degenerated too!!! :(

Time for a BREAK!!!!!

2nd try :

Do you?

I hope this works but I don't know. I can't save the image to something that my programs recognize. it saves as a GIF and Picasa and Hello don't see it to upload it.

Boy, I'm so bad at this..... My apologies everyone- just what you need - awkward bolg and no knitting or kitties for weeks. :-(

BTW where you see the "Do You?" I copied the code right from the site and that's what I see at least in the preview.