jeannie's hands at work

Knitting, crocheting, other handwork, and personal.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Socks to wear and Rain today.

I am excited today.
It's such a beautiful morning here with the gentle -much needed- rain. 6:15 am: I looked at the mountains while waiting for the bus. Through the rain I could see clouds draping themselves over the edge of the mountain - a brightest white lace border back-lit by the rising sun.

I get to wear my finished "Back to Basics" socks from Knitty. I used Austermann Step yarn #21 in turquoise, gray and charcoal.

My socks fit well although I knitted the foot longer than I should have. I used a finer gauge yarn and smaller needles than the pattern called for. The number of stitches called for would have fit a larger foot in the yarn suggested in the pattern.
I'm very pleased with the results.