jeannie's hands at work

Knitting, crocheting, other handwork, and personal.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, Monday...

I had a great day yesterday. I got to knit and be a part of one of my favorite TV shows "In Plain Sight," USA network. Here's the link|in+plain+sight|Brand|G_InPlainSight4&sky=ggl|in+plain+sight|Brand|G_InPlainSight4

A scene was shot at the Yarn Store at Nob Hill and I got to be one of the "knitting ladies."
It was fun.
What a beautiful New Mexico day for sitting outside and knitting and talking with other knitters. We were "on set" about 2 hours and the rest of the time waiting.
I saw an old friend who was working on the crew and passed some of the time catching up with him.
Sometimes when you work as an extra on a movie or TV show, it can be exhausting - you have to stand in one place for hours, or sit without moving or talking, and long, long hours. But yesterday was very relaxed comparatively.
Of course, I have to say the food was wonderful. It's one of the perks of being an extra that you get to eat great food just like the crew and cast.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ringing Earth - Tibetan Monks in "spirit cave" hear new sounds

This video has Earth Sounds from a cave in Tibet. Very intense. I want to share it with as many people as possible.

I know nothing about this guy's website. I just wanted to share the Cave recording. Use your own discretion about the Seer stuff.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"...better than before..." Lee Harris Energy

This is part of the newest newsletter from Lee Harris.
The earth is better - even if it doesn't look like it right now. Better than before... How can that not be a good thing?

I have been feeling this but could not express it.

Thank you, Lee. Your words are so timely and comforting.

Here is the post on his site: