jeannie's hands at work

Knitting, crocheting, other handwork, and personal.

Friday, February 13, 2009

One Delivered, One to go.

A rug for someone I work with. She was saying that she needed some nice throw rugs. She's very happy with this one. One more to go.
I took this outside on a Saturday morning about 5 or 6 o'clock. I was surprised it came out so well. I thought the flash would really wash it out.

A scarf for a co-worker in Misti Alpaca fingering weight (sock weight) yarn. [see more on Ravelry JeannieF]
This was a thank you gift. She knows why.

While this isn't the best picture I've ever taken, it accurately shows the color of the yarn I'm using for these socks. This is the Back to Basics pattern from It's a nice pattern -I only have been working on these for so long because of my own "stuff." You can read back through the archives and see why.
Now I'm on the final stretch -knitting the cuffs. They're toe up and will almost be ready to wear when I bind off. Just a few tails to weave in. ' Can't Wait!

The Rest of the Basket From the 2008 East Mountain Fiber Farm & Studio Tour

This great basket -a hit with felines and human.

Two gift cards - yummm!

This beautiful cutting board. There was no information as to where it is from. It's finely crafted and smooth as silk.

Fabulous Alpaca Socks Natural Fiber Creations by Enchanted Sky Alpacas

Milagro Moon's always exquisite Alpaca yarn and FABULOUS Soap. If you all haven't used this soap -you are missing out.

Handspun Jacob yarn from Deb Haden at Cuesta Farm. I think ...Sorry, I'm just not sure! It's gorgeous, though.

Beautiful Mohair and Wool in a teal-y, gray color from Gayle Bone at Square Hole Ranch,
McIntosh, NM. on the label. Handspun and dyed.

Yarn and Angel from Bethe Orrell at Good Fibrations.
Hand dyed. Grown from her sheep and goats and spun by hand.

Mohair to spin from - I don't remember! Oh, No! And there was more, I spun some up already.

And last but not least - a camel down filled pot holder - wonderful!
From Camel- Lot, I believe.

I won't scare you with the picture of me in the Sun hat that was included. The hat's great - the picture was too scary.

If I missed something or someone in these last two posts, I apologize!

This year's Tour is scheduled for 5/30/09. If you haven't been on the tour you must not miss it this year. It's a short drive to Edgewood to Good Fibrations to pick up a Tour map and then two days' worth of fun driving in the country and seeing the farms and animals. The weather should be cooler than Albuquerque and it's a family and children friendly event. All the stops are free to look although 'most everyone has products to sell. There are a few stops that will have food and drinks, but take water with you anyway.

Dress for walking in mountain desert terrain. Comfortable clothes and shoes.
Go to Good Fibrations home page and click the calendar for the latest information

Friday, February 06, 2009

Pictures from East Mountain Farm & Fiber Tour

Now I know these are so late going up. However, since our consciousnesses have been focused on being "frugal" lately, I thought this would be something you could all drool over and enjoy without spending any money.

I won the Door Prize Basket! Wow, it is fabulous!

So the following pictures are closeups of what's in here. Most of these places are in Edgewood
or close around there.

A sweet Alpaca bear from Natural Fiber Creations -Enchanted Sky Alpacas.

A wonderful basket - the kitties Had to inspect it.

Beautiful, yummy camel down from Bev & Bill's Camel-Lot Ranch in Sandia Park, NM.

Wonderful Goodies from The Cutting Edge salon.

More pictures in the next post.

Monday, February 02, 2009

About Time and New Starts

About time I start posting again. I am stuck on a pair of socks, my brother's Christmas sweater and a rug. This first month has been about fits and starts of cleaning out and clearing up, and starting to finish UFO's to get ready to give away or sell or ??

I started teaching my classes the last week of January and so far, so good.
My students are all very nice and have grasped the stitches and techniques so far.

That's all for now. More soon -with pictures. :0)

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