Well, I have lot to talk about.
First and foremost this morning: I've just read a blog about Allie. http://alliecagen.blogspot.com/
I didn't know Allie, never met her, probably never will, BUT I love her as if she were one of my kids' friends. Her father, mostly, and her mother started a blog to keep everyone informed about her recovery after a terrible accident. She has come out of a coma and is in a regular room; improving every day.
Allie's dad is a hero and model of faith in God and love for his daughter. What courage to keep blogging and be so positive in the "face of a dire situation."
Cagen family, "eye heart you." You have blessed me with your words and your blog. Thank you, and thank you, FlyLady, for sharing.
Go read for yourself and you'll see God's love in action. I can feel it even now -the Positive power of the net.
Knitting content next:

I finished working in the last ends of yarn on the baby sweater!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
I have to sew on buttons, wash, and block it. Done -finished-ready to give to the lady on the bus.......
No, wait - hat - I need to do the hat. No problem..... it won't take nearly as long.
I also am working on 2 more UFO's :
The hot pink silk t-shirt knitted with Cascade cotton and silk,

and the BamBoo Classic Elite Bolero Pattern I started last year. You can see the picture here:
I knitted a few rows on the Ribbon Poncho for my sister in life, not blood- Skye. Truth is, it shoulda been done last summer! But I'm not going to beat myself up. I'm getting farther along with it -so there!
The 2007 Fiber Arts Fiesta was last week. I took the time off to be there for set-up and every day. I have no pictures because my DD had maxed out the memory on the camera. I didn't know how to erase the pics she had, so no pictures. But you can check out the website: http://www.fiberartsfiesta.com/
I really had a great time volunteering, demonstrating, and shopping when I was done with booth duty. I would have liked more vendor yarns and rovings to be available. I bought from 2 companies, but I would have bought more if there had been more choices.
Other than that, I thought there was a great variety of booths, and crafts represented, and such beauty to look at. Mmmmm, mmm!
On the DD front- I won't go into great detail about the finding a dress saga -my blood pressure is almost back to normal. Just let me say between work-stressful, apartment chaos -stressful, and dress shopping-where are the tranquillizrers?stressful, that this has not been my favorite few weeks.
The results of the Dress shopping were that 1:30 PM -she had to be at the Country Club ready to go at 5:30- we were all the way across the river the mall in a last ditch effort to find SOMETHING for her to wear. A LOT more money than I had planned to spend, and she decided that would deign to wear this:

The picture is lousy, I know. But she looked really great - oo, I think I'm supposed to say hot!
I missed the black sparkly high heels.
So here are more pics from that night.